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Mestring av funksjonstap og smerter hos kvinner med en-arms dysmeli
Engelsk titel: Adaptation of functional loss and pain in women with single-arm dysmelia Läs online Författare: Johansen, Heidi ; Andresen, Inger-Lise ; Thorsen, Kirsten Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 24 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 14123997


Ergoterapeuten (Oslo) 2014;57(5)36-42 ISSN 0800-3475 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


People with congenital limb deficiency (CLD), those who have inadequately developed arm(s) or leg(s), live active everyday lives like everyone else. Established ways of coping make them feel that everyday life functions well. Throughout life many experience increasing functional problems and pain. This article presents findings from qualitative interviews with eight women with single-arm CLD in a study on aging and the life course. The women describe that they gradually realized that they had to make changes and learn new ways of coping. For many of them this was a long and difficult process. Several had begun to exercise or to exercise more, and had reduced the level of ambition in relation to workplace and everyday life. Some had received advice and assistance from the public services, others were still in search of professionals who could help. Occupational therapists and other professionals can meet them. It is important that health professionals take into account the person’s particular mastery experiences, seen in the context of a lifetime, when assistance is organized.