Molar incisiv hypomineralisation: Epidemiologi, aetiologi, kliniske karakteristika og
Engelsk titel: Molar incisor hypomineralization: epidemiology, aetiology, clinical characteristics, and treatment
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Hermann, Nuno Vibe
Gaard, Hanne
Haubek, Dorte
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 32
UI-nummer: 15013037
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) is a hypomineralization
of the enamel typically including the permanent 1. molars and
permanent incisors. Also the primary dentition as well as other
tooth types may be affected. MIH occurs frequently. Up to 40%
of all children and adolescents are affected. The aetiology of MIH
is still unknown but MIH is considered multifactorial, and environmental
factors seem to play a role. The occurrence of MIH in the
dentition is also often related to the need for treatment, due to
the excessive hypersensitivity of the involved teeth, and the often
occurring posteruptive breakdown of the enamel. The young age
of the patients and the potential lack of cooperation may further
complicate the treatment. Due to the present awareness of MIH,
an up-date is given on the epidemiology, aetiology, and clinical
characteristics, and also on the different treatment options.