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Tidleg mislukka implantatbehandling
Engelsk titel: Early implant failure. A case report Läs online Författare: Saegrov, Anders Henning ; Klepp, Morten ; Bunaes, Dagmar F ; Leknes, Knut N Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 20 Dokumenttyp: Fallbeskrivning UI-nummer: 15013049


Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 2014;124(10)828-32 ISSN 0029-2303 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Oral implant success depends extensively on bone and soft tissue healing mechanisms capable of integrating the implant into newly formed, vital bone. Biological failure can be defined as the inability of tissue to establish or maintain osseointegration. Failure to establish osseointegration results in early implant failure, whereas failure to maintain osseointegration is classified as late. If properly recognized and treated, a «failing» implant might be saved. The incidence of implant failure prior to functional loading is about 3.0 %. The causal factors and mechanisms behind failing implant are unclear. Infection, impaired healing and overload have been suggested to be of importance. The objective of this article is to present knowledge about early implant failure, discuss potential causal mechanisms and illustrate treatment alternatives. The presented case shows that it is possible to obtain favorable short term results with regenerative therapy in an early failing implant. Alternative prosthetic treatments to oral implants should sometimes be reconsidered in the presence of possibly interfering local or systemic factors.