Sexrådgivning viktig vid kardiovaskulär sjukdom. Återgång till sexuell aktivitet ett vanligt problem
Engelsk titel: Sexual counseling is important in cardiovascular disease. Returning to sexual activity is a common concern
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Mårtensson, Jan
Fridlund, Bengt
Jaarsma, Tiny
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 49
UI-nummer: 15017670
Decreased sexual activity among cardiac patients is frequently reported. Rates of erectile dysfunction among men with cardiovascular disease (CVD) are twice as high as those in the general population with
similar rates of sexual dysfunction in females with CVD. Returning to sexual activity is a common concern, and patients frequently request information on how to resume sexual activity. Partners also have
considerable concerns, often more so than patients; why sexual counseling is important for both cardiac patients and their partners. In general, healthcare professionals, in caring for patients recognize the
importance of discussing sexual function and activity and also express their responsibility to do so, although many healthcare professionals do not know what specific advice to give. Therefore, the intent of a
consensus statement made by the American and European heart associations is to summarize current evidence related to sexual counseling in cardiovascular disease, and to provide direction to physicians,
nurses, and other healthcare professionals in the practice of sexual counseling.