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Intrakraniell trycksänkande behandling vid akut bakteriell meningit ökade överlevnaden
Engelsk titel: Intracranial pressure targeted treatment in acute bacterial meningitis increased survival Läs online Författare: Glimåker, Martin ; Johansson, Bibi ; Halldorsdottir, Halla ; Wanecek, Michael ; Elmi-Terander, Adrian ; Bellander, Bo-Michael Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 20 Dokumenttyp: CCT UI-nummer: 15017682


Läkartidningen 2014;111(51-52)2288-91 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


To evaluate the efficacy of intracranial pressure (ICP)-targeted treatment, compared to standard intensive care, in adults with community acquired acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) and severely impaired consciousness, a prospectively designed intervention-control comparison study was performed. Included were patients with confirmed ABM and severely impaired mental status on admission. Fifty-two patients, given ICP-targeted treatment at a neuro- intensive care unit, and 53 control cases, treated with conventional intensive care, were included. All patients received intensive care with me­chanical ventilation, sedation, antibiotics and corticosteroids according to current guidelines. ICP-targeted treatment was performed in the intervention group, aiming at ICP <20 mmHg and a cerebral perfusion pressure of >50 mmHg. The mortality was significantly lower in the intervention group compared to controls, 5/52 (10%) versus 16/53 (30%). Furthermore, only 17 patients (32%) in the control group fully recovered, compared to 28 (54%) in the intervention group. Early neuro-intensive care using ICP-targeted therapy reduces mortality and improves the overall outcome in adult patients with ABM and severely impaired mental status on admission.