Undervisning og veiledning i gruppe for kvinner behandlet for underlivskreft. En hjelp i
Aim: The aim of the article is to describe a nurse-led intervention and to evaluate to what extent
it is helpful for the participants in their
follow-up after treatment for gynecological cancer.
Background: Women beyond gynecological cancer have several needs that the routine follow-ups do
not adequately fulfill. Studies show that
follow-ups with a more holistic approach are most advantageous.
Methods: The standardized intervention, with theoretical basis in Antonovsky’s salutogenetic thinking
and Roger’s client centered therapy,
is described. A self-reported process evaluation form was answered by 34 (out of 45) women who
participated in the group intervention.
Findings: Women were satisfied with the group intervention, which seemed to meet the need for
knowledge and information on various current
topics related to life after cancer. Sharing experiences with one another and being in dialogue with
experts and mentors who recognized the
women, addressed their uncertainty and gave answers to their questions, was important for the
outcome of the intervention.
Conclusion: The nurse-led intervention seems to be useful for women treated for gynecological
cancer. The intervention can be one important
contribution to improve follow-up after cancer treatment, and thus to the women’s coping resources
and rehabilitation process.