Hvordan kan ulike vitenskapsteoretiske perspektiver påvirke jordmorfagets utvikling og den
omsorgen som gis til födende kvinner?
Engelsk titel: How could different scientific perspectives affect the development of midwifery as a discipline
and the services provided to women during childbirth?
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Aune, Ingvild
Email: ingvild.aune@hist.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 40
UI-nummer: 15023229
How we understand our body determines how we view knowledge. A reductionist perspective
implies fragmented thinking and promotion of
a practice where individual components and individual functions are examined and handled
separately, free of any context. Although no one
today acknowledges the body/mind dualism, this form of thinking is embedded in concepts,
conceptual models and theories, which in turn
determine our perception of reality. This is also evident in maternity care. Scientific knowledge is
essential for adequate and acceptable
maternity care, but it is not sufficient. This knowledge alone can never illuminate the midwifery
profession’s complex and social character and
its dimensions of meaning. In order to maintain the interdisciplinary nature of the midwifery
profession, it is necessary to apply different
scientific perspectives and multiple methodological approaches. A phenomenological orientation to
midwifery care means to enter the
woman's situation and experience of the world while emphasizing participation, presence, trust and a
professional foundation.