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Tidlig struktureret mobilisering og traening af kristisk syge patienter på et dansk intensivavsnit
Engelsk titel: Early structured mobilisation and rehabilitation of critically ill patients in a Danish intensive care unit Läs online Författare: Astrup Sörensen, Katrine ; Hvid, Sidsel ; Rolving, Nanna ; Dreyer, Pia Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 10 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15023286


Sygeplejersken 2015;115(2)76-82 ISSN 0106-8350 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Objective: As part of a quality-development project, to trial a screening and activity algorithm on a Danish intensive care unit, with a view to intensive mobilisation and physical rehabilitation in critically ill patients, tailored according to the individual patient's functional level. Method: The screening- and mobilisation algorithm was trialled for three months. A systematic recording of all screening and activities performed took place simultaneously. Results: In sixty per cent of screenings, the patients could not be approved for mobilisation based on the algorithm criteria. Based on a multi-disciplinary assessment, the majority of patients were still mobilised and underwent physical rehabilitation. The mobilisation and physical rehabilitation therapy implemented, however, was consistent with the level set based according to the algorithm. Conclusion: The algorithm's physiological screening criteria turned out to be unusable for assessment of patients in the current study. However, the algorithm was usable in relation to adapting the level of mobilisation and physical therapy. Relevance to clinical practice: It is possible to introduce early mobilisation and physical therapy using a simple algorithm; however, with regard to individual screening criteria in individual cases, since these are clearly not simple to fix. In the future, the limits will be used to guide risk assessment prior to early mobilisation and physical therapy instead of for concrete screening.