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Development and validation of the Occupational Therapy Risk Propensity Test (OT-RiPT) for drivers with disability
Engelsk titel: Development and validation of the Occupational Therapy Risk Propensity Test (OT-RiPT) for drivers with disability Läs online Författare: Bruce, Chris ; Unsworth, Carolyn A ; Tay, Richard ; Dillon, Michael P Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 36 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15031274


Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 2015;22(2)147-52 ISSN 1103-8128 E-ISSN 1651-2014 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: Male drivers in the 16- to 19-year age group have a nine-fold increase in their crash risk compared with 25- to 34-year-olds who have a relative risk of 2.3. Crash risk in young drivers has been directly linked to risk-taking behaviour. This paper reports the development of a video risk assessment tool for use with drivers. Aim/objective: This paper reports on the process of validating and investigating the reliability of the Occupational Therapy Risk Propensity Test (OT-RiPT) to measure risk-taking propensity. Material and methods: 20 healthy male participants were recruited. OT-RiPT scores were correlated with driving experience. Internal consistency was investigated using Cronbach’s alpha. Face validity was established. The OT-RiPT and a validated driver behaviour questionnaire were administered and the results correlated to establish discriminant validity. Results: There was no significant correlation between driving experience and OT-RiPT scores. Good internal consistency was established. OT-RiPT has high face validity. Discriminant validity was demonstrated. Conclusion and significance: Pending further testing, OT-RiPT shows promise as a reliable and valid measure of risk-taking propensity in young drivers.