Bells pares ger resttillstånd hos 30 procent av vuxna patienter. Tidig behandling med kortison ökar utläkningen
Bell’s palsy is an acute unilateral weakness or paralysis of the face of unknown cause. The incidence of the disease is 30 individuals per 100,000 per year. It is a diagnosis of exclusion and other known causes for acute
peripheral facial palsy must be ruled out. The prognosis is overall favorable and about 70% of the patients recover completely within 6 months without treatment. Recent randomized controlled Bell’s palsy trials have shown that
treatment with corticosteroids shortens time to recovery and improves recovery rates while antiviral treatment alone is not more effective than placebo. The combination of corticosteroids and antivirals has not been proven more
effective than corticosteroids alone. We present an update of Bell’s palsy in adults with focus on diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of these patients.