Praksisnaer undervisning i legemiddelregning i arbeidet med å redusere testangst og styrke
selvoppfattelse hos sykepleierstudenter
Engelsk titel: Alternative teaching method in dosage calculation to reduce nursing students' test anxiety and
enhance self-concept
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Röykenes, Kari
Smith, Kari
Larsen, Torill M B
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 42
UI-nummer: 15033472
Norwegian nursing students must pass a drug calculation test with a flawless performance if
they are to qualify as nurses. This requirement is found to increase students’ test anxiety and
mathematical low self-conceptual students are highly effected. The aim of the current study is to
examine if participating in a special education program benefits students with high test anxiety and
low self-concept in the domain of mathematics. The participants were highly involved in both
planning and conducting the alternative program which had a practical approach towards both
mathematics and drug calculation. We use a mixed methods approach to examine nursing students’
experiences participating in the program, and data are collected by using survey questionnaires,
participants’ evaluation and a focus group interview. Ten freshman nursing students participating in
the program responded to a questionnaire pre and post intervention, including a written evaluation
during the program. Finally a focus group interview was conducted two years after the intervention.
The survey data show a significant change in mathematics-self-concept, however, no significant
reduction in test anxiety was found, but the qualitative data from the interview suggest a reduction in
anxiety and higher mathematical self-concept after participating in the program.