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Iron absorption in raw and cooked bananas: a field study using stable isotopes in women
Engelsk titel: Iron absorption in raw and cooked bananas: a field study using stable isotopes in women Läs online Författare: Garcia, Olga ; Martinez, Mara ; Romano, Diana ; Camacho, Mariela ; de Moura, Fabiana F ; Abrams, Steve A ; Khanna, Harjeet K ; Dale, James L ; Rosado, Jorge L Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 31 Dokumenttyp: RCT UI-nummer: 15033529


Food and Nutrition Research 015;59(25976)1-7 ISSN 1654-6628 E-ISSN 1654-661X KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: Banana is a staple food in many regions with high iron deficiency and may be a potential vehicle for iron fortification. However, iron absorption from bananas is not known. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate total iron absorption from raw and cooked bananas. Design: Thirty women (34.996.6 years) from rural Mexico were randomly assigned to one of two groups each consuming: 1) 480 g/day of raw banana for 6 days, or 2) 500 g/day of cooked banana for 4 days. Iron absorption was measured after extrinsically labeling with 2 mg of 58Fe and a reference dose of 6 mg 57Fe; analysis was done using ICP-MS. Results: Iron content in cooked bananas was significantly higher than raw bananas (0.53 mg/100 g bananas vs. 0.33 mg/100 mg bananas, respectively) (pB0.001). Percent iron absorption was significantly higher in raw bananas (49.3921.3%) compared with cooked banana (33.9916.2%) (p0.035). Total amount of iron absorbed from raw and cooked bananas was similar (0.7790.33 mg vs. 0.8690.41 mg, respectively). Conclusion: Total amount of absorbed iron is similar between cooked and raw bananas. The banana matrix does not affect iron absorption and is therefore a potential effective target for genetic modification for iron biofortification