Taking home-based services into everyday life; older adults' participation with service providers
in the context of receiving home-based services
Engelsk titel: Taking home-based services into everyday life; older adults' participation with service providers
in the context of receiving home-based services
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Witsö, Aud Elisabeth
Ytterhus, Borgunn
Vik, Kjersti
Email: aud.e.witso@hist.no
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 52
UI-nummer: 15043639
This article aims to increase the understanding of older adults’ participation with
home-based service providers. It is critical to ensure that home-based services
promote older adults’ ability to live in their own homes, and to participate in daily
life and society as long as possible. Exploring older adults’ experiences with
participation in home-based service delivery is essential for development and
delivery of high-quality services that support older adults’ participation. Older
adults with a variety of age-related physical impairments and frequency of homebased
services were interviewed. The data was collected by in-depth face-to-face
interviews in the older adults’ homes. A constant comparative method inspired by
constructivist grounded theory was applied to analyze the data. The study
highlights the importance of understanding emotional and intellectual aspects of
older adults’ participation, and to recognize their strategies for balancing agency
in everyday life.