Dental professionals have opportunities to disclose child abuse and neglect.
The aim was to review relevant literature and make suggestions for routines for Norwegian health
professionals. On suspicion of abuse or neglect dental examination should have 3 steps: 1)
evaluation of physical signs, injuries and/ or dental caries 2) a thorough anamnesis and 3) a holistic
evaluation of the situation (the child's behavior, the relationship between child and parent and
presence of risk factors). Accurate dental records are essential. Checklists and standardized
procedures for reporting to regional child welfare and consultation teams should be available in all
dental clinics treating children and adolescents.
Clinical signs of abuse and neglect may be diffuse. Children withhold rather than exaggeregate
information when reporting abuse from a closely related grown up.
It is not the dental professionals' task to diagnose child abuse or neglect, but Norwegian laws
impose dental staff to report concerns to regional child welfare and consultation teams. Efforts should
be made to prepare national procedures and guidelines so that children and adolescents are
safeguarded in the best possible way.