D-vitaminförgiftning av preparat köpt på nätet. Skyhög daglig dos under ett halvår gav svår hyperkalcemi
Engelsk titel: Vitamin D intoxication caused by drugs bought online. Sky high daily dosage for six months resulted in severe hypercalcemia
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Mannheimer, Buster
Törring, Ove
Nathanson, David
Email: buster.mannheimer@sodersjukhuset.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 20
UI-nummer: 15067327
Intoxication with vitamin D may lead to severe hypercalcemia, renal failure and occasionally to death. An increasing amount of vitamin D supplement is sold
over-the-counter (OTC) or over the internet. Here we present a case were a person obtained vitamin D over the internet and administered 50 000 IE daily to his
father for a period of six months, in the pursuit to stop or reverse the progression of a vascular dementia. The treatment resulted in a severe hypercalcemia and
recurrent hospitalizations. In cases with an unexplained hypercalcemia, being associated with high levels of 25(OH)-vitamin D3 the possibility of intake of D-
vitamin sold without a doctor’s prescription should be investigated.