Sickness present with signs of burnout: The relationship between burnout and sickness
presenteeism among university hospital physicians in four European countries
Engelsk titel: Sickness present with signs of burnout: The relationship between burnout and sickness
presenteeism among university hospital physicians in four European countries
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Thun, Sylvi
Fridner, Ann
Minucci, Daria
Lövseth, Lise Tevik
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 71
UI-nummer: 15053814
Research has indicated that physicians often report symptoms of burnout and have a high
prevalence of sickness presenteeism, yet there are few studies of the relationship between burnout
and sickness presenteeism among physicians. The present survey study investigates the
association between sickness presenteeism and the two dimensions of burnout, exhaustion and
disengagement, when controlling for job resources. A survey was administered both on the web and
in paper format among university hospital physicians in four European countries: Norway, Sweden,
Iceland and Italy (N = 2078). Sickness presenteeism was positively associated with both exhaustion
and disengagement, but explained more of the variance in exhaustion than in disengagement. The
results of this study indicate that decreasing the high prevalence of sickness presenteeism may offer
a promising avenue for future interventions aimed at reducing burnout among physicians. Although
the study confirmed a relationship between burnout and sickness presenteeism, it is argued that the
specific link between these two variables needs more attention