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"Kvinner og kreft"
Engelsk titel: "Women and cancer" Läs online Författare: Waaseth, Marit ; Bakken, Kjersti Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 34 Dokumenttyp: Översikt UI-nummer: 15063912


Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift 2015;123(4)14-7 ISSN 0029-1935 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The Norwegian Women and ­Cancer (NOWAC) study is a population based cohort study. It is primarily a ­questionnaire based survey that includes almost 172 000 women. Among these, 50 000 have contributed blood samples for biomarker measurements and gene expression analysis. The study biobank also includes breast tissue samples from breast cancer cases and healthy controls. The combination of data sources renders the NOWAC study unique. The women are randomly drawn from the Central Population Register database and were 30–70 years old at first ­survey. The data collection started in 1991 and is still on-going. The aim is to find ­potential associations between women’s life style, including drug use, and ­cancer risk. The study is suited for ­cross-­sectional ­analyses as well as follow-up studies through linking to ­different health ­registries, for instance to investigate cancer morbidity and ­mortality. Several such linkages have been performed. NOWAC is since 1998 included in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). This is a ­collaboration of researchers in ten European countries. This article presents the NOWAC study and some of its results so far.