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Learning to deal constructively with troubled conscience related to care providers' perceptions of deficient teamwork in residential care of older people - a participatory action research study
Engelsk titel: Learning to deal constructively with troubled conscience related to care providers' perceptions of deficient teamwork in residential care of older people - a participatory action research study Läs online Författare: Ericson-Lidman, Eva ; Strandberg, Gunilla Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 70 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15061320


Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2015;29(2)215-24 ISSN 0283-9318 E-ISSN 1471-6712 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Conscience can be perceived as an asset that helps care providers to provide good care, but it can also be a burden that generates stress of conscience (stress related to a troubled conscience). Participatory action research (PAR) has been shown to be successful in supporting care providers in residential care of older people to learn to deal with their troubled conscience in challenging and demanding care situations. The aim of the study was to describe an intervention process to assist care providers in residential care of older people to constructively deal with their troubled conscience related to perceptions of deficient teamwork. The study design was grounded in PAR. Nine enrolled nurses (ENs), two nursing aids (NAs), one Registered Nurse (RN) and their manager participated in 12 PAR sessions. All sessions were tape-recorded, and a domain analysis of the transcriptions was performed. Findings show that a PAR-based intervention can support care providers to understand, handle and take measures against deficient teamwork. Using troubled conscience as a driving force can increase the opportunities to improve quality of care in residential care for older people. During the PAR process, participants raised their awareness of the need to view the team in a wider sense and that the manager and the Registered Nurse should also be members of the team to improve team outcome. To improve clinical practice, we suggest that teams in residential care of older people should be enabled to share and reflect on challenging situations that generate troubled conscience. However, as shown in this study, care providers might need support in order to facilitate and promote sharing and reflecting on what their conscience tells them. Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.