Organizational citizenship behaviour: A cross-cultural comparative study on Ghanaian and
Finnish industrial workers
Engelsk titel: Organizational citizenship behaviour: A cross-cultural comparative study on Ghanaian and
Finnish industrial workers
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Haybatollahi, Mohammad
Ayim, Seth Gyekye
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 56
UI-nummer: 15073089
Recent studies indicate the influence of national cultural values on Organizational Citizenship
Behaviours (OCBs). The current study investigated citizenship behaviours from a cross-national
perspective: between Ghanaian industrial workers (N = 320) and their Finnish counterparts (N = 520).
Data were collected with Van Dyne, Graham and Dineschs (1994) OCB standardized scale. Because
job satisfaction is regarded as one of the robust predictors of OCB, analyses were conducted to
assess its impact on citizenship behaviours between the two nations. The relationships between
employee demographic factors and OCB performances were also analysed. T-test and hierarchical
regression analyses were used to test two hypotheses and a research question. Results revealed
statistically significant differences between the two samples. Contrary to expectations, Finnish
workers were more active in citizenship behaviours than their Ghanaian counterparts. Job
satisfaction was once again confirmed as a robust predictor of organizational citizenship behaviours.
An attempt to empirically validate the proposition that collectivists would exhibit citizenship
behaviours even in the absence of OCB predictors (e.g., satisfying job conditions) was not
substantiated. The theoretical and practical implications of the study's findings are discussed.