Nedre urinvejssymptomer hos indlagte apopleksipatienter - udvikling og implementering af en
klinisk vejledning
This article describes the development of a set of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines
and their implementation in relation to lower urinary tract symptoms in hospitalised apoplexy
patients: investigation, prevention, nursing and treatment.
The results demonstrate that the healthcare professionals' knowledge in the field of incontinence was
improved. Healthcare professionals can make a considerable difference within the field of
incontinence in apoplexy patients provided that the professionals possess a thorough understanding
of, and considerable insights into, a number of key problems associated with incontinence.
The article is divided into three sections:
Part I describes the most commonly presenting lower urinary tract symptoms arising as a
complication of apoplexy, the discomfort and consequences and investigation, prevention, nursing
and treatment during hospitalisation.
Part II describes the development and implementation of a set of evidence-based clinical practice
guidelines entitled "Lower urinary tract symptoms in hospitalised apoplexy patients: investigation,
prevention, nursing and treatment".
Part III presents the preliminary results and discusses the project's significance for nursing practice.