This paper focuses on women diagnosed with Ductual Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS). Aim: To
emphasize the experience of women who are diagnosed with and treated for DCIS. Furthermore, to
discuss the interventions which can be used to help these women. Methods: The article is a
qualitative study. First, we did a systematic literature search and picked out articles that lived up to
the set inclusion criteria. These articles were later analyzed, and three themes were found. To
understand and to compare the experiences found with a Danish context, two qualitative semi-
structured interviews were performed with two Danish women who had been diagnosed with and
treated for DCIS. The findings are compared and discussed throughout the article. Results: Given the
lack of information and the uncertainty about DCIS, women diagnosed with DCIS often deal with
anxiety and confusion about the future. More information is needed to help women understand what
DCIS is, and how this diagnosis differentiates from invasive breast cancer.