Nedsat gevinst og höjere omkostninger ved ukritisk endovaskulaer behandling af abdominalt aortaaneurisme
Engelsk titel: Lower benefit and higher total costs because of unrestricted use of endovascular repair procedures for treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms
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Lindholt, Jes S
Sögaard, Rikke
Laustsen, Jesper
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 21
UI-nummer: 15087540
A rapid increase in endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) procedures for treatment of asymptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysms has occurred in Denmark. However, the newest
level 1A evidence suggests that unrestricted use of EVAR in patients suitable for open repair lead to lower benefit and higher total costs as compared with open surgery.
Amongst cases with relative and absolute contraindications for open surgery, use of EVAR is likely to lead to more benefit, however at a relatively high cost per quality-adjusted
life year (QALY). This calls for a more restrictive use.