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Tvaersektoriel opfölgning for börn og unge efter et selvmordsforsög - en samarbejdsmodel fra Region Syddanmark
Engelsk titel: Cross-sectional follow-up for children and young people after a suicide attempt - a cooperation model from Region South Denmark Läs online Författare: Kamionka, Stine Lundström ; Buus, Niels ; Nöhr-Jensen, Peer ; Juul Larsen, Kim Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 36 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15103481


Suicidologi 2015;20(2)30-8 ISSN 1501-6994 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


In Denmark children and adolescents who have attempted suicide are not guaranteed follow-up. A suicide attempt is often due to accumulated psychosocial challenges and follow-up reduces risk of relapse. Suicidal children and adolescents are in need of interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral help. Inter-sectoral pathways are often characterized by uncertain and ambiguous areas of responsibility between the different sectors which may lead to fragmented treatment courses. In the Region of Southern Denmark an inter-sectoral collaboration, called the Treatment Chain, is established to ensure follow-up across somatic, psychiatric and municipality departments for children and adolescents who have attempted suicide. The priority of this collaboration ensures a qualified follow-up and contributes to clarification of areas of responsibility across sectors.