AIM - The study explores arenas of adolescent binge drinking in small Swedish towns and the
meanings these have for young persons. The focus is thus on space and place, and on the
geography of underage drinking.
DESIGN - An ethnographic approach was used, including direct observations, document studies and
contacts with youth workers on local and national levels, and interviews with 28 underage binge-
drinking adolescents chosen as informants.
FINDINGS - Adolescent binge drinkers seem to have moved away from street and other outdoor
drinking arenas to home environments, where they feel they have more control over their party
location and participants.
CONCLUSIONS - One consequence of outdoor drinking moving indoors is that professional youth
workers and police cannot enter party arenas and the only adults who can do so are the parents. This
has implications for preventive alcohol strategies and outreach social work. Measures should be
directed to parents to make them fully aware of the importance of the party location in their homes.