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Min eller jeres rytme? Et observationsstudie af kommunkationen i et pacemakerambulatorium
Engelsk titel: My rhythm or yours? An observational study of communication at an outpatient pacemaker clinic Läs online Författare: Svanholm, Jette Rolf ; Haahr, Anita ; Jensen, Peter Errboe ; Lindskow, Lotte Språk: Dan Antal referenser: 17 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 15113632


Sygeplejersken 2015;115(12)64-9 ISSN 0106-8350 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift


Studies indicate deficient involvement of elderly patients with devices (the term for an implanted pacemaker) in terms of patient co-determination of their own care pathway. Communication appears to be key, but has not been fully investigated. Purpose: to elucidate the characteristic traits of communication between elderly patients with a device and health professionals during outpatient evaluations. The focus is patient co-determination in decision-making concerning patient care. Method: A qualitative observational study of communication practices. Data were analysed by means of systematic text condensation. Findings and conclusion: Health professionals control the dialogue primarily by using clinical terminology, the content of which is focused on device functionality. Communication in the evaluations results in decisions concerning the patient pathway and the patients’ life with the device being addressed to a limited extent only. Implications for nursing: Fast-track patient pathways, shorter stays in hospital and more outpatient evaluations place great communicative demands on health personnel. The acquisition of communicative skills is important in maintaining high standards of nursing.