Screening efficiency of the self-report version of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children
in a highly comorbid inpatient sample
Engelsk titel: Screening efficiency of the self-report version of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children
in a highly comorbid inpatient sample
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Skarphedinsson, Gudmundur
Villabö, Marianne
Lauth, Abertrand
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 48
UI-nummer: 15113687
Background: The Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC) is a widely used self-report
questionnaire for the assessment of anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents with well
documented predictive validity of the total score and subscales in internalizing and mixed clinical
samples. However, no data exist on the screening efficiency in an inpatient sample of adolescents.
Aim: To examine the psychometric properties and screening efficiency of the MASC in a high
comorbid inpatient sample. Method: The current study used receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
analyses to investigate the predictive value of the MASC total and subscale scores for the Schedule
for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-age children - Present and Lifetime version (K-
SADS-PL), DSM-IV diagnoses of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), separation anxiety disorder
(SAD) and social phobia (SoP) in a highly comorbid inpatient sample of adolescents (11-18 years).
Results: The MASC total score predicted any anxiety disorder (AD) and GAD moderately well.
Physical symptoms predicted GAD moderately well. Social anxiety and separation anxiety/panic did
not predict SoP or SAD, respectively. Physical symptoms and harm avoidance also predicted the
presence of major depressive disorder. Conclusions: The findings support the utility of the MASC
total score to predict the presence of any AD and GAD. However, the utility of the social anxiety and
separation anxiety/panic subscales showed limited utility to predict the presence of SAD and SoP,
respectively. The MASC has probably a more limited function in screening for AD among a highly
comorbid inpatient sample of severely affected adolescents. Our results should be interpreted in the
light of a small, mixed sample of inpatient adolescents.