The prognosis for intensive-care patients has improved over the last 20 years. One
consequence of critical disease and intensive care can be Intensive Care Unit Acquired Weakness
(ICUAW). ICUAW denotes the muscle wasting and weakness, and neurological dysfunction that may
arise in respirator-treated patients. Mobility therapy and physical training are expected to prevent
and reduce ICUAW.
The purpose of the article is to identify the evidence for the effect of mobility therapy and physical
training on ICUAW and to discuss the challenges posed by implementation of physical training as an
intervention for respirator-treated, adult patients. A systematic review found six relevant studies
demonstrating some effect of such interventions on e.g. walking distance, functional level, muscle
strength and a reduction in length of stay. The studies indicate that early mobility therapy and
physical training can potentially reduce or prevent ICUAW. There are major challenges in terms of
identifying candidates for physical training, just as the need remains to clarify the content, intensity,
duration and frequency of the intervention. The conclusion is that there is a need to trial different
types of physical training and systematically evaluate efficacy and procedure with a view to
supplementing the existing body of evidence before a definitive recommendation can be presented.