Flexible cystoscopy can be performed by nurses - An eight day post procedure questionnaire
measuring pain and symptoms, in male out-patients after flexible cystoscopy
Engelsk titel: Flexible cystoscopy can be performed by nurses - An eight day post procedure questionnaire
measuring pain and symptoms, in male out-patients after flexible cystoscopy
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Arndal, Elisabeth
Folker, Mille
Rasmussen, Eva R
Christensen, Tom
Email: elisabetharndal@hotmail.com
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 13
UI-nummer: 15123828
The objective was to study the type and level of symptoms during and after out-patient flexible
cystoscopy (FC) performed by nurses and
junior doctors using local anesthesia. This descriptive study comprised 78 consecutive male
patients undergoing FC in the out-patient
clinic at the Department of Urology, Roskilde University Hospital, Denmark. The FC was carried out
by junior doctors or specially trained
nurses who routinely performed FC in the out-patient clinic. Each patient was given a questionnaire to
be filled in at home and returned to
the department. Eighty one percent of all patients in the nurses group and 71% in the doctors group
had no pain during or after the procedure
respectively. Thirty six percent reported no post procedure symptoms. The common symptoms were
stinging when urinating and
frequent voiding. All symptoms disappeared within three days. There were significantly (p=0,02)
fewer patients reporting post procedure
pain when the FC was performed by specially trained nurses compared to junior doctors. Ninety
seven % were symptom free after 3 days.