"Alt verker og alt har satt seg fast": Om pårörendes erfaringer med overdosedödsfall
Engelsk titel: "Everything aches and everything is stuck": About relative's experiences with overdose deaths
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Biong, Stian
Sveipe, Eli Jorid
Ravndal, Edle
Email: stianbio@medisin.uio.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 30
UI-nummer: 15123832
Using systematic text condensation of data obtained from interviews and focus groups with eight
relatives who had lost a member of their family from an overdose, this study describes experiences
related to such deaths. The main finding was that these relatives’ experiences can be described as I
hurt all over and feel all tied up in knots. This is about both long-term and acute emotional and
existential strain. The study is also about cultural and structural factors such as stigma, one’s
relationship to the caring services and lack of unsolicited support and help.