Skillnader i vård av patienter med typ 1- och typ 2-hjärtinfarkt. Riktlinjer för behandling vid typ 2-hjärtinfarkt saknas helt
Engelsk titel: Differences in the treatment of patients with type 1 and type 2 myocardial infarction. Guidelines for the treatment of type 2 myocardial
infarction are completely missing
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Gard, Anton
Lindahl, Bertil
Baron, Tomasz
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 15
UI-nummer: 15127966
To study the differences between type 2 and type 1 infarction (AMI) regarding background variables and treatment a retrospective study
was performed. A total of 200 patients with AMI hospitalized at the University Hospital in Uppsala during 2011 were included in the study. Half
of the group was patients registered in the SWEDEHEART registry and the other half was patients not registered. The AMI diagnoses were
validated and all AMI patients classified into AMI subtypes 1-5 by two independent researchers in accordance with the Universal definition of
MI from 2007. Type 2 AMI was much more common among patients not registered in SWEDEHEART versus those registered (31 vs. 11%). Type
2 AMI was associated with higher age, female sex and comorbidities such as heart failure, atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease. The
most common underlying mechanisms causing type 2 AMI were tachycardia and anaemia. Compared with type 1 AMI, patients with type 2 AMI
had a smaller infarct size, had coronary angiography less often performed and were less often put on standard secondary preventive