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Representations of disability from the perspective of people with disabilities and their families: a critical discourse analysis of disability groups on Facebook
Engelsk titel: Representations of disability from the perspective of people with disabilities and their families: a critical discourse analysis of disability groups on Facebook Läs online Författare: Stamou, Anastasia ; Alevriadou, Anastasia ; Soufla, Fenia Språk: Eng Antal referenser: 43 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16023120


Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 2016;18(1)1-16 ISSN 1501-7419 E-ISSN 1745-3011 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Contrary to the growing body of research into views about and attitudes towards disability which has focused on the perspectives of non-disabled people, recent disability studies have been directed to the voices of people with disabilities and/or their families, by acknowledging an ‘epistemic privilege’ to them. In the present study, we use the posts of sensory and physical disability groups on Facebook as a lens to uncover the voices and experiences of people with disabilities and/or their families. The critical discourse analysis of the posts of disability groups on Facebook suggests that people with disabilities and/or their families do not constitute a homogeneous group of people being connected because of their common (bodily) condition. On the other hand, different representations of disability also suggest a different use of Facebook.