Processes towards employment among persons with psychiatric disabilities: a study of two
individual placement and support programmes in Sweden
Engelsk titel: Processes towards employment among persons with psychiatric disabilities: a study of two
individual placement and support programmes in Sweden
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Nygren, Ulla
Markström, Urban
Bernspång, Birgitta
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 35
UI-nummer: 16023122
Individual placement and support (IPS) has been found to be an effective intervention for
rehabilitation to work in the field of mental health. Being as the principles used in IPS reflect core
values in the concept of personal recovery, several other outcomes than just the percentage of
clients gaining employment are of interest. The purpose of the study was to describe a number of
unique processes and analyze these with a special concern for circumstances perceived as
important for the individual IPS process. A collective instrumental case-study design was used and
five cases were included. Data from three different sources were collected, both quantitative and
qualitative. The findings illustrate how a relationship characterized by curiosity, interest and
engagement in the individual client, positive risk-taking and time for reflected experiences resulted in
processes of change. It was concluded that providing IPS is a type of specialized relationship-based
work that includes advanced problem solving.