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Upplevelser av information vid kontakt med kommunala hjälpmedelsförskrivare
Engelsk titel: Experiences of information in contact with municipal self-help device prescribers Läs online Författare: Krantz, Oskar ; Örmon, Karin Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 27 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16023178


Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 2015;92(5)605-14 ISSN 0037-833x KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The aim is to describe the experience among first-time information-seekers concerning information from municipal prescribers on assistive devices provision. Thirty-six students each contacted municipal prescribers from two of the 33 municipalities in the Skåne region, reporting experiences thereof. These were analysed utilising a thematic content analysis. Difficulties existed in reaching prescribers on telephone, both direct and via the switchboard. Prescriber attitudes varied, from short and stressed to welcoming and helpful. Prescribers used the term "patient", and emphasised user obligations. Information was meagre. Users were referred to unspecified internet searches. Information content and contact opportunities need to be reviewed. Person-centred provision may increase user empowerment, increasing influence concerning both the content and the process. Thereby, personal agency and participation can increase