Läkare från tredje land i Sverige. Om professionen, kontakter och gränsdragningar
Engelsk titel: Doctors from third countries in Sweden. About the profession, contacts and boundaries
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Salmonsson, Lisa
Email: lisa.salmonsson@sociology.su.se
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 8
UI-nummer: 16023181
The article focuses on physicians from so called Third country and on their
own experiences of establishing as physicians in Sweden. The analysis is
based on 12 in-depth interviews with physicians who are working in Sweden
and who did their medical training in so called Third country, in other words
in countries outside the EU/EEA region. Even though the Swedish medical
field is transnational in the sense that medial degrees from other countries
are recognized by the Swedish state, there seem to be local symbolic boundary
work that affects this group of physician’s work-life experiences. The
result indicates that it is in interactions with colleagues that boundary work is
articulated, negotiated and challenged.