Nye og aendrede mikroorganismer i vore omgivelser - hvilken betydning har de for tandlaegens
Engelsk titel: New and changed microorganisms in everyday life
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Larsen, Tove
Kjerulf, Anne
Email: tla@sund.ku.dk
Språk: Dan
Antal referenser: 16
UI-nummer: 16033320
Microorganisms causing infectious diseases are dynamic and may develop into more virulent,
infectious or resistant species. Presently, development and dissemination of multi resistant bacteria
increase in the Nordic countries. Among these MRSA (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is
of most concern to dentistry as it colonizes both the skin (hands) and the oral cavity, and thus may
easily spread during dental treatment. Among viruses influenza viruses change constantly and upon
major changes epidemics and more rarely pandemics may arise. Also coronaviruses change, and in
recent years SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory
syndrome) coronaviruses have developed and caused infections and death in several countries.
In order to avoid development and dissemination of resistant and multi resistant bacteria dentists
must carefully consider each prescription, choice and administration of antibiotic.
Furthermore, dentists must follow national guidelines for infection control in dentistry in order to
prevent transmission of both bacterial and viral diseases to patients and staff at the dental clinic.
Most infections are prevented by applying general hygiene procedures including hand hygiene,
wearing of personal protective equipment and correct cleaning, disinfection and sterilization
processes, while a few of the described microorganisms like MRSA may require additional