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Motilitetskapsel förenklar gastrointestinal undersökning. Säker diagnostik vid motilitetsrubbningar
Engelsk titel: Motility-recording capsule simplifies gastrointestinal examination. Safe diagnostics in motility disorders Läs online Författare: Diaz, Hetzel ; Sjöström, Ulrika ; Lindberg, Greger ; Hellström, Per M Språk: Swe Antal referenser: 8 Dokumenttyp: Översikt UI-nummer: 16057370


Läkartidningen 2016;113(15)742-5 ISSN 0023-7205 E-ISSN 1652-7518 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


The wireless motility-recording capsule, "SmartPill", is an ingested one-time use electronic capsule that measures gastrointestinal luminal pressure, pH and temperature along the whole gastrointestinal tract. The pH profile and the pressure patterns define the time at which the capsule moves from the stomach to the duodenum and from the ileum to the caecum, whereas changes in temperature define the times of ingestion and expulsion. The recordings from the wireless motility capsule are sent from a radio transmitter in the capsule to a receiver carried around the waist. Wireless motility recordings have several advantages over imaging and manometry that have been used previously. Primarily the simplicity by which motility recordings are done, as well as the tolerability for the patient and limited need of assistance are valuable aspects. The wireless motility capsule provides standardized measures of transit with relevant normal values for the clinical work-up of patients with motility disturbances.