Engelsk titel: Are we living in the age of loneliness? On loneliness among older adults
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Lunde, Linn-Heidi
Email: linn-heidi.lunde@uib.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 47
UI-nummer: 16053836
Loneliness is a complex and subjective phenomenon that is part of being alive. For some
people loneliness is experienced as highly aversive. Thus, it is a risk factor for health problems and
impaired quality of life. It is a widespread belief that loneliness is prevalent in modern individualistic
societies, in particular among older adults. The purpose of this article is to shed light on and
challenge this commonly held age stereotype. By presenting a selected sample of studies, it will
suggest that persistent loneliness is a minor problem among older Norwegians and the elderly
populations in most North and Western European countries. Contrary to the generally accepted
belief, the prevalence of loneliness has been consistent over the past six decades.