Basic psychological needs predict participants' attitudes and expectations towards marriage
Engelsk titel: Basic psychological needs predict participants' attitudes and expectations towards marriage
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Reic Ercegovac, Ina
Bubic, Andreja
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 68
UI-nummer: 16045335
Although modern societies are characterized by a constant decrease in marriage rates and an
increase in divorce rates, individuals today still hold positive attitudes towards marriage and
parenthood, and aim to nurture a marital union themselves in their adult age. Nevertheless,
individuals differ with respect to the degree in which they deliberately plan and strive to achieve such
intimate unions. In addition, individuals differ with respect to the quality of their initial expectations
towards future marriage, as well as their attitudes towards the possibility of a divorce. In explaining
such individual differences, previous studies have emphasized the importance of primary family
structure and experiences. Expanding these findings, the present study explored the influence of
individuals' satisfaction with primary family relations, as well as personal psychological needs, on
their intimacy goals, marriage expectations and attitudes towards divorce. The obtained results
indicate the need for relatedness as the only significant predictor of intimacy goals. While the
intimacy goal and the need for autonomy were identified as significant predictors of marriage
idealization tendencies, the number of siblings, the need for autonomy, and marriage idealization
tendencies were identified as significant predictors of attitudes towards divorce. These results
confirm the importance of basic psychological needs in defining our relationships goals, as well as
our attitudes and expectations towards future marriage and divorce.