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Hvilken betydning har forebyggende hjemmebesök? - En kvalitativ studie av eldre menneskers erfaringer
Engelsk titel: What is the significance of preventive home visits? A qualitative study of older people’s experiences Läs online Författare: Sjöbö, Björg Aspenes ; Teigen, Sönneve ; Alvsvåg, Herdis ; Förland, Oddvar Språk: Nor Antal referenser: 35 Dokumenttyp: Artikel UI-nummer: 16063877


Tidsskrift for Omsorgsforskning 2016;2(1)47-58 ISSN 2387-5984 KIBs bestånd av denna tidskrift Denna tidskrift är expertgranskad (Peer-Reviewed)


Background: Extensive quantitative research literature related to health effects associated with preventive home visits (PHV) already exists However, more qualitative research in order to understand the significance of PHV on the lives of the elderly has been lacking. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore the elderlies´ experiences related to PHV, especially related to the importance of the visit for them. Method: We employed a qualitative method using a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted. Twelve of the informants were married, while three were widows. The analysis of the material was exploring and descriptive, and we used systematic text condensing. Results: The results of the study show that PHV had been a positive experience for the participating elderly, even though some of them initially did not see the usefulness of the visit. The analysis resulted in four main themes: 1. Vague expectations, 2. The experience of being seen, 3. Useful advice and reminders, and 4. The experience of increased safety through the assignment of contact person from the municipality. Conclusion: The study shows that the elderly have not understood the purpose of PHV or information has been unclear. Despite this, the visits were seen as affirming and useful. Having a person at the municipality to contact in the future also added a feeling of safety.