Fritiden som arena för hälsofrämjande arbete - exempel från två ungdomsverksamheter
Leisure time is a significant part of young people’s life. The study aims to increase
awareness of the importance of young people’s leisure-activities in a
health-promotion perspective. Data collection was done through questionnaires
(n=207) and interviews (n=16) in two youth-center. Results shows that leisure-activities
have good prerequisites to be health-promotion settings if some
important factors are included in the their strategies both in theory and in the
daily practice: 1) Active and well thought-out recruitment, 2) Natural transition
from children’s activities to youth activities, 3) Activities in the neighborhood
area, 4) Local knowledge of the background, needs, interests and motivations
for participating, 5) Open and inclusive towards the target-group, 6) Promote
supportive relationships, 7) Emphasize young people’s empowerment and
8) Integrating family, school and community.