Nutmeg oil alleviates chronic inflammatory pain through inhibition of COX-2 expression and
substance P release in vivo
Background: Chronic pain, or sometimes referred to as persistent pain, reduces the life quality of
patients who are suffering from chronic diseases such as inflammatory diseases, cancer and
diabetes. Hence, herbal medicines draw many attentions and have been shown effective in the
treatment or relief of pain.
Methods and Results: Here in this study, we used the CFA-injected rats as a sustainable pain model
to test the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of nutmeg oil, a spice flavor additive to beverages
and baked goods produced from the seed of Myristica fragrans tree.
Conclusions: We have demonstrated that nutmeg oil could potentially alleviate the CFA-injection
induced joint swelling, mechanical allodynia and heat hyperanalgesia of rats through inhibition of
COX-2 expression and blood substance P level, which made it possible for nutmeg oil to be a
potential chronic pain reliever.