Engelsk titel: Suicide by jumping from a high place
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Larsen, Kim
Karlsen, Kim
Email: kim.larsen@so-hf.no
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 75
UI-nummer: 16093192
In this article, we ask: Can barriers at jumping sites prevent suicide by jumping? We describe
specific risk factors and preventive strategies for suicide by jumping from a high place, by presenting
a broad range of research literature. First we describe individual factors of suicide jumpers: sex, age,
the presence of psychopathology and the involvement of alcohol. Second, we present literature
concerning the geographic availability of jumping sites and the symbolic aspects of suicide by
jumping. Finally, we discuss studies that evaluate specific preventive measures for suicide by this
method. The findings indicate that barriers and other preventive strategies are potentially effective in
the acute phase of suicide behaviour. The assumption that individuals prevented from jumping will
choose other suicide methods is not supported.