Interkommunalt samarbeid om dögnåpne kommunale akuttenheter og legevakt - Tar
helsekommunen form?
Engelsk titel: Intermunicipal cooperation in Norwegian healthcare: Is the "healthcare municipality" taking
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Tjerbo, Trond
Skinner, Marianne Sundlisaeter
Språk: Nor
Antal referenser: 0
UI-nummer: 16103324
As of 2016, all Norwegian municipalities are obliged to provide 24-hour acute services to their
citizens (municipal acute bed units – MAUs). These services can be provided in cooperation with
other municipalities or alone. In this article, we focus on intermunicipal cooperation on MAUs and
out-of-hours services and the degree to which these intermunicipal cooperation arrangements
overlap. The analysis is based on complete data on the organisation of both services. Our results
show that intermunicipal cooperation is widespread for both services and that overlap is common.
We also find that both the likelihood of cooperating and the likelihood of being part of an overlapping
network are related to the municipality’s geographical proximity to a hospital. In the concluding part
of the article, we relate our findings to theoretical questions based on strong or weak ties in networks.
We also ask what the implications of our findings may be for municipal structure and local