Studier av kognitiv beteendeterapi och gradvis ökad träning vid ME/CFS är missvisande
Engelsk titel: Studies of cognitive behavioral therapy and progressive exercise in ME/CFS are misleading
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Helfrid, Sten
Språk: Swe
Antal referenser: 69
UI-nummer: 16103388
There have been a number of studies on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
and Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) for ME/CFS based on a treatment model
where the disease is perpetuated by cognitive processes. Although the
studies are flawed and the model lacks scientific support, the treatments are
described as evidence based. The studies are non-blinded and rely on subjective
outcomes. There are no objective measures of adherence. The diagnostic
criteria vary, and the participating patients often have one or several
psychiatric diagnoses apart from suffering from chronic fatigue. The underlying
model has no theoretical foundation and is at odds with physiological
findings. Surveys suggest that the efficacy of CBT is no better than placebo
and that GET is harmful. Therefore, cognitive behavioral therapy and graded
exercise therapy for ME/CFS are not evidence based.