Orgasmen förändras negativt men uteblivet ejakulat ingen stor förlust. Tio män om orgasmupplevelse och ejakulationsbortfall efter radikal prostatektomi
In this study we report on men’s experiences of orgasm changes and loss of ejaculation after radical prostatectomy. Ten men, all recruited through a Swedish hospital, were interviewed and data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The
results showed that the experience of orgasm has weakened but that the loss of ejaculation was not perceived as a loss per se. However, the risk of urine release during orgasm was troublesome and inhibiting. These challenges were framed within an
existential narrative about sexuality, as expressed in preoperative sexual farewell rituals and postoperative feelings of ambivalence and regret. These findings can be used in the design of patient information and for sexual rehabilitation treatment.