Samarbete Tanzania-Sverige för bättre anestesi och intensivvård. 22 anestesiologer på 47 miljoner tanzanier... men nu börjar samarbetsprojektet ge resultat
Anaesthesia and intensive care is a neglected specialty in low-income countries. Many countries have less than 1 anaesthesia provider per 100,000 population and few hospitals in Africa have the resources for managing critically ill patients. Health
partnerships between institutions in high- and low-income countries have been proposed as an effective way to strengthen health systems. This article describes a partnership in anaesthesia and intensive care between institutions in Sweden and
Tanzania and its impact at regional and national levels. The partnership, initiated in 2008 on the request of Muhimbili National Hospital in Dar es Salaam, conducts training, exchanges, research, equipment, routines and guidelines projects. Through the
newly formed Life Support Foundation, the partnership has expanded to all hospitals in Dar es Salaam, has assisted in the reactivation of the Society of Anaesthesiologists of Tanzania and has seen a marked increase in the number of trainee doctors.