Katarakt - ett optiskt problem i ögats lins. Antalet operationer ökar med över 3000 varje år i Sverige
Cataract is defined as a decrease of vision due to optical disturbance in the crystalline lens. Disturbances of the protein concentration gradient in the lens due to local swelling or protein aggregation causes light scattering. Several modifications of
lens proteins may induce aggregation. Disturbed redox balance is believed to be an important origin of oxidative damage to lens proteins. Approximatly 50 % of cataract disease is associated with genetic factors. Ambient ultraviolet radiation is
epidemiologically strongly associated with cortical cataract and smoking with nuclear cataract. Substantial technical development of cataract surgery is reflected as a linear increase of cataract surgery in Sweden during the last 35 years. Adequate UVR
blocking sunglasses should be used in high intensity ambient as a prophylactic measure against cataract. Cheap medical treatment against cataract is necessary to develop as an adjunct to surgery to decrease double sided blindness in the world.
Recently, promising new strategies were published.