Eldres erfaringer med hverdagsrehabilitering - Mestring og muligheter - krav og stötte i et
dynamisk samspill
Background: Reablement is a multidisciplinary, goal-oriented, time-limited, home-based
rehabilitation working method. Limited research on older adults’ experiences with reablement exists.
Aim: To describe and explore older adults’ reactions to and experiences with reablement.
Design and method: This study is based on a qualitative, descriptive design with an inductive
approach. A qualitative content analysis has been applied to individual semi-structured interviews (n
= 5).
Results: The results demonstrate that it is possible to start a successful rehabilitation process
applying the reablement method although the users’ faith in their own capabilities and outlooks to
success in the beginning are limited. The users’ confidence in their own capabilities is strengthened
when the team sets requirements and at the same time provides support. The dynamic interaction
between requirements and support seems to bring the users into a positive spiral in which they
experience a sense of achievement, further encouraging the rehabilitation process.
Conclusion: A person-centered approach based on the question "What is important to you?" invites
the users to formulate their own goals. In addition to challenging the attitudes and mindsets of the
users and staff, this question also challenges the traditional framework for the municipal home care