In Sweden, more than half of newly registered physicians have been trained outside of the country. Thus, they are not familiar with Swedish culture and the Swedish healthcare system. To support their introduction to
a professional carrier in Sweden, in line with the WHO ethical code for recruitment of health personnel, the health care region of Western Sweden established PLUS - program for learning and development in Swedish
Health care. A pilot program has now been completed. The physicians had a good biomedical background, but deficiencies in practical skills, cultural insights and knowledge about Swedish health care. PLUS was based
on principles for adult learning with considerable time for reflection and supervision in a group with experienced colleagues. The program was evaluated by an external evaluator, who concluded that the participants felt
more secure in their professional role, more familiar with Swedish Health care and better integrated into their health care team. It was concluded that this should lead to improved patient security and better working
environment for the physician as well as his/her coworkers.