Engelsk titel: My ADHD and me: Identifying with and distancing from ADHD
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Nielsen, Mikka
Email: mikka@hum.aau.dk
Språk: Eng
Antal referenser: 39
UI-nummer: 17030119
In this article, I illustrate how individuals diagnosed with ADHD relate to, engage with, and interpret
both ADHD and explanations of the diagnosis. Based on my research on adults’ experiences of
ADHD, I describe how my informants identify with ADHD as a specific way of being human
as well as distance themselves from ADHD by separating themselves from and disclaiming
behavior connected to ADHD. Notions of ADHD as a brain disorder, I argue, form the basis of both
ways of relating to ADHD. Lastly, I discuss how neurobiological explanations of ADHD produce
specific choices about and hopes for treatment. The analysis is based on interviews with 13 adults
diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood; on observations made at conferences and seminars about
ADHD for professionals, patients and relatives; and lastly on observations from online blogs and
forums about ADHD as part of a two-year anthropological fieldwork conducted in Denmark.